The Best Guy Dallas

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Dallas Rhodes
The Best Guy Dallas
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2018 11:49:58 GMT
Dallas Rhodes Avatar





Dallas just wants everything to go back to the way it was. Nothing’s ever perfect mind you, but a Hoenn without Team Rocket would be a good start. Citizens not having to watch their back for the encroaching villains, and League members having an easy day’s work with little crime to deal with. That sounds like the life to Dallas. It’s not that he’s lazy. More like a care-free guy with simple goals. Hoenn wasn’t always like how it was now after all. You could maybe even call him nostalgic. He only came into helping the League recently as Rocket’s strength seemed to grow while the League became more chaotic within. Going from a simple freelancer to someone actually trying to keep some sort of order in the region. Results may vary.


Dallas tries to give everyone a fair chance and hit them with the classic charismatic smile that has helped him many times before. So, it isn’t hard to befriend him, or at least be on good terms. He does usually like to lone-wolf most things, but that is just to look cool more than anything. A helping hand would never be turned down, especially from a fellow League supporter. Even if it does ruin the cool solo man look he tries to pull off which has resulted in a lonelier lifestyle the past couple of years. At least he has Pokemon to keep him company when people don’t.


There are times where the man can be blunt or crude. Sometimes it’s meant to be helpful, or because he is calling someone out for the bullshit. Either way, that could piss some people off depending how they take it. Besides that, Dallas tries his best to keep his cool. Getting mad just results in you making a fool of yourself so he tries to have a calm head on his shoulders even in the most heated of moments. Everyone has their limit.
When it comes to Team Rocket members, Dallas does not have some sort of passionate hatred for them and he’s unsure if fighting fire with fire is the answer. Maybe he can just ask a Rocket member to just stop nicely.


Women have come and gone his life, but not often and not serious either. Love and romance are not something at the top of his to do list in life so he’s never focused or worried about it too much. Maybe after it’s all said and done with Team Rocket he can settle down. Or he’ll meet someone along the way to that, whatever comes first it doesn’t matter to him.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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The Best Guy Dallas
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2018 11:14:17 GMT
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hi there :) looking for some solid plots to kick things off, and dallas here looks like a chill guy with the kind of attitude that (i think) would spark a balanced friendship with my girl, lily. and by balanced, i mean:[break][break]

- they're both easy to get along with and befriend[break][break]

- his carefree, simple lifestyle may give lily the assumption that he's too lax about things and inspire her to motivate him to work harder and be more passionate about life in general, which could cause for some friendly bickering?[break][break]

- they're both relatively new to the whole joining-league-fighting-against-rocket thing, but let's just say he's been in the game longer than her and could perhaps tip her or show her around some parts of the region[break][break]

- she's more of a social butterfly which might collide with his lone wolf persona, but he can rest assured that she's got some lone wolf tendencies herself, so her spirit will come and go[break][break]

i know it's not much to work with, but if you're interested in a thread, i'd be happy to start :) at the moment, lily has (literally) just started in slateport (which you're free to join instead if you want to take that alternative to a new thread; there is one other person in there, currently), so from there she'd be making her way to... mauville, probably, and these two could meet anywhere between slateport and there, or in mauville? she could easily be a lost fletchling that he stumbles upon.[break][break]

edit;; so i just recently got a plot request from someone to escort lily to mauville. if it's alright with you, could we have these two bums meet in mauville? i'm not sure if the game corner exists in this universe, but if it does, i have an idea involving that, if dallas is down for some gambling. let me know!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @dallas
Dallas Rhodes
The Best Guy Dallas
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2018 21:54:53 GMT
Dallas Rhodes Avatar
Aaaay sounds good to me. I think the two will get along well. I'm down for them to gamble them big poke bucks or whatever at a game corner. My only question being is this post or pre-Slateport invasion? I'm fine with either, just need to to know if ya boi is gonna be walking around the thread with his arm in a sling. Let me know! 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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The Best Guy Dallas
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2018 1:14:52 GMT
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this would be post-slateport! lily didn't enter the hoenn region till after that event, so she's really new-new to the whole thing. but oh on, i didn't know dallas had a boo boo :( that's okay, all the more reason for her to interact with him cause she'll probably to protecc[break][break]

for the gambling idea: lily isn't a gambler herself, but i'm thinking she'll be drawn to the corner just for a first-time experience and the appeal of some pokemon plushies as prizes at the display window lol. i imagine she'll head straight for the slot machine cause it's bright and colorful and easy to play, and he could happen to be sitting at the machine next to hers? they can strike conversation, perhaps a rumble could go down after someone terribly loses or a cheater tries to run off -- we can improvise and see where it goes!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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The Best Guy Dallas
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2018 1:33:45 GMT
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i'll be busy for the next few days, but whenever i find the time, i'll start us a thread and tag you! :> (psst like this thread if you read it so i know 👍)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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The Best Guy Dallas
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2018 13:43:45 GMT
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& leslie
can these two bros be the best of bros maybe?
they'd connect for sure on wanting to have a better world before rocket, since leslie had gone around for a long time repairing damage in johto and kanto before finally coming to hoenn with a want to make the problem better closer to the front lines. he hasn't gotten the 'FIGHT ROCKET' mindset yet, but i have a feeling it'll develop with enough people encouraging him. you know?
either way, i think they'd be fun bros. who knows.
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